
The Welsh Bridge Union

The Welsh Bridge Union is the National Bridge Organisation for Wales recognised by, and affiliated to the World Bridge Federation and the European Bridge League.
For administrative purposes, the WBU is split into four geographical areas: the East, the Mid, the North and the West. We have a CEO but there are no full-time officers of the Union and much of the work is done by elected officials for a token honorarium. The President is elected for a period of one year and this honour rotates around the areas in sequence.

President - Herbie Rowley
President – Herbie Rowley

Laws and Ethics Committee

The Laws and Ethics committee of the Welsh Bridge Union is the national authority for the game of duplicate contract bridge in Wales, when played under the auspices of the WBU. It has three principal functions: it is the final WBU appeal body for appeals arising under the laws of the game; it is the principal disciplinary body of the WBU, hearing complaints against members. The current chairman is Patrick Jourdain.

Selection Committee

The Welsh Bridge Union selection committee is responsible for all aspects of Wales’s international representation. It determines the format of trial matches to assist in choosing teams for major international championships such as the European Championship competed for bi-annually and for the annual home international series involving England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Éire. The home internationals are known as the Camrose (Open) and the Lady Milne (Women). The current chairman is Paul Denning.
